Business Forecasting #1 Following on from our prior note, business forecasting is one of the critical areas to address to avoid business failure. CFOs are…
CFO Counsel launches in Bangkok “CFO Counsel, currently operating in Hong Kong and Singapore, has recently opened in Bangkok and can now, more than ever,…
How to sell a business. Attached below an article recently published in Jumpstart magazine written by our CEO Rob Christie. For more information and how…
Great Ted Talk by Bill Gross, founder of IdeaLab and legendary entrepreneur. He has performed an analysis of start up companies that he and others have…
Refer to article below regarding needing a CFO and not just an accountant. Totally self serving but relevant to SMEs nevertheless. The article is referencing…
We are proud to announce the launch of our new business, CFO Counsel, offering part-time CFO financial expertise and insights to start-ups and SME’s in…